This is a not-for-profit book. Find out more.
Does My Skin Colour Offend You?
A Collection of Racist Experiences
First edition
Print and ebook versions available
In Does My Skin Colour Offend You?, people from a range of ethnic and professional backgrounds recount their experiences with racism.
Accountants, students and even the Mayor of Bristol - each incident is told unfiltered and in their own words.
As a sample of occurrences that minority ethnic groups go through in every single day in the UK and beyond, these are experiences to be seen by everyone.
Does My Skin Colour Offend You? is not-for-profit book with all profits being donated to good causes.
Supported Causes
This book's primary purpose is to amplify ethnic minority experiences and as such, it can also contribute to related efforts undertaken by others.
As this is self-published and self-funded, the royalties aren't being shared around. Instead, all profits are being donated to those working against discrimination and towards equality.
Stop Hate UK and StopWatch are two causes on the initial list. If you know of additional organisations that may be relevant (of any size), get in touch.
For updates on the donations, keep track on Instagram. More information on the exact profit involved is available here.
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I think every business that is serious about tackling racism in the workplace should purchase copies for their employees.
It's only when you understand the problem that you can fix it. And this goes to the heart of the problem!
Incredible book! Ordered it this afternoon and finished already, quite literally couldn’t put it down!
Seriously eye opening and shocking.
Got mine today and have read it cover to cover - a powerful and painful read.
Would love to see more open conversations about this in and out the workplace.